From He Who Was Formerly a Mad Mage
Question -- The Fourth
On what day were you pull free from the grip of your mother's womb? Oddly enough, none of them fall between the 10th of Coldeven and the 21st of Wealsun. If uncertain of calendars and such nonsense a strange ethereal scribe has provided the following knowledge for you: A Calendar for Greyhawk.
Question -- The Third
Should Alteriel ask her father for forgiveness or should she demand an apology from him? And on the same note, if Baelindor decided to avert his gaze from the heavens would Tuor still flirt with comely courtesans while Gaylen is espousing the virtues of self denial to a lass who could not safely leave if she chose to because there is also a monk picking fights with smallish dogs to prove greatest strength?
This specific question is an essay that must be answered with an indepth and complex answer
numbering no more than seven words but be certain to list it with the answers to the boring questions asked by the Fate Mistress.
Again, answer in the comments section of this post if possible and appropriate.
On what day were you pull free from the grip of your mother's womb? Oddly enough, none of them fall between the 10th of Coldeven and the 21st of Wealsun. If uncertain of calendars and such nonsense a strange ethereal scribe has provided the following knowledge for you: A Calendar for Greyhawk.
Question -- The Third
Should Alteriel ask her father for forgiveness or should she demand an apology from him? And on the same note, if Baelindor decided to avert his gaze from the heavens would Tuor still flirt with comely courtesans while Gaylen is espousing the virtues of self denial to a lass who could not safely leave if she chose to because there is also a monk picking fights with smallish dogs to prove greatest strength?
This specific question is an essay that must be answered with an indepth and complex answer
numbering no more than seven words but be certain to list it with the answers to the boring questions asked by the Fate Mistress.
Again, answer in the comments section of this post if possible and appropriate.
Baelendor -
Birthday: 13th of Sunsebb
If one hand claps loudly, then maybe.
Question 1 : Growfeast 7 Fools Day. This sounds like a good day to leave b/c he is a fool with being for his mother.
Question 3 : The essay answer ----
Females are always right, demand an apology.
Flocktime the 18th
The answer is this....
My lady follow thy heart stay true.
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