Thursday, May 26, 2005

Odds n' Ends and Bits o' Twine

Within the Flanaess

Shopping Spree
The coinage handed out to each of the 6 that arrived together in Zeif is 783 gold. If there is anything you are wishing to spend this on, please make a short wish list of what you would like. Feel free to leave it in the comments area for me to peruse and say any ayes or nays as needed. There is a fair bit more value in gems that have yet to be cashed, but those funds are most likely going towards the don't want to die in the worst native desert ever seen or made by man.

Travel through the Eastern Lands
You are about to head south. The elf Gaelin has requested a foray past the woodlands that serve as his ancestral home, Bael has thought that a reasonable request and agreed to it. Also, there are late summer and fall festivals soon to come. Jousting, archery contests, circuses, and acting to be witnessed.

Name your pleasure,
name your desire,
all the treats you ask
under a crimson fire.

From GENre

What do you want to see?
Have a thought, suggestion, or bit of insperation you wish to share? If so, please let me know. Toss out thoughts so we can all see them and get more ideas for future adventure growth. Something amazing about your character you wish to share? Let us know. I am asking for any and all ideas from you folks.

Name That Actor Contest
Did you see him? Heirs of Destiny has added a seventh character to the cast, did you guess the name of the actor playing him? If not, well now's your chance. Who do you think this mystery fellow is. Declare who exactly is playing the magic part of brilliant wizard and you just might find yourself winning a prize. Only the casting director is excluded from this contest. I hope one of you manages to come up with the right guy. Did a good job of making him unrecognizable? You bet, but that should just add to the fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have already prchased all that i needed one whole gold coin worth. And yes I have replaced the mighty spear.

What do I want....Against the Giants! Need I say more.

As far as the actor goes....I really do not know any names my wife tells me who people are so there no bonus for me but a good mage looking guy would be the guy from the Mummy the Jew knight with the face tatoos he be cool for an Evoker.

Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm..... what would be ultimate wish be. To not be associated with my master. My master is so evil. He makes me do things upon my control. Everyone believes i can control myself, but not when it comes to one of my master's wishes. I would love to have my slavery vanished. everyone thinks I am a bad person, but I am not. Ohh to be free and not controlled.

I would like to acqire the new skill of learning a ranged weapon. I would like to learn to shoot a small crossbow. So while we are in the city I would like to purchase one with arrows of course. Maybe a fellow party member will teach me this new concept.

I would lenjoy to see the circus. Maybe there is someone I know there from my past or either a fmaily memeber. I have heard of my old great great great uncle Elstein particpating in a show. He did many unsually acts. People were amazed at his mystery talents.

Maybe I can particiapte in a beginners archery contest if I learn before be arrive. Hey you never know I might pick up the talents or really suck. Or maybe some hunk there will teach me how to shoot arrows.

Friday, May 27, 2005 6:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenissa, it is a shame that you are enthralled by that evil man.

As soon as we find a way, we will help free you.

Have you ever considered atonement?

We both know you have committed great evil, even though it has been unwilling.

It is a taint on your soul. Repent!

If you are willing to hear the instruction of Heironious, I am willing to listen.

If you do not repent, atone, or commit yourself to good works when you are able, then it may be a sign of how far the poison of darkness has spread into your heart, a sign I will be forced to consider a quite serious indication.

Considering the ongoing nature of your dark servitude, regular penance may be necessary.

As for learning to use the crossbow, I would be honored to guide you. It is not the noblist of weapons, but it's practicality cannot be dismissed.

It is a weapon of war, and as such falls nicely under the domain of Heironious.

It will give us an opportunity to begin cleansing your soul.

I would accept the position of confessor / mentor, if you would have me.

With guidance, we can save your soul.


What I want to buy: I will draw up a list shortly (when I'm away from work.)

What I want for my character: You will be getting an email.

Friday, May 27, 2005 2:16:00 PM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

I figured out who's playing the mage!

He's an English actor.

Been in a few Guy Richie films and the Italian Job.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:57:00 AM  

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