Sunday, June 18, 2006

Some Gnome Musings from a Gamer

Found a list of interesting "don'ts" and "can't do anymores" while gaming and some dealt with gnomes. Given our groups experiences with gnomes I thought I would share them with everyone.

There is no Gnomish god of heavy artillery.
There is no such thing as a Gnomish Pygmy War Rhino.
Gnomes do not have the racial ability 'can lick their eyebrows'.
Gnomes do not have the racial ability to hold their breath for 10 minutes.
Gnomes do not have the racial ability 'impromptu kickstand'.
Having a big nose adds nothing to my seduction check.
Gnomes do not count as burrowing animals.
Polka Gnomes exist only in my mind.
There is no Gnomish Deathgrip, and even if there was, it wouldn't involve tongs.
I cannot insinuate elf chicks are all easy, even though you never hear about a half gnome do you?
Gnomes do not have a racial bonus in bobsled.

And what the hey. The first person to tell me one of these before the start of the game gets 100xp. Just because you were checking this blog.


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