Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Show's Name Logo

This was something that Ray and I came up with. Hope you all like.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Looking for a Few Good Ideas

I am always asking about your character, what do you want for your character. Fears, dreams, hopes, aspirations. Now I am going to make a different request of you. Send me your thoughts about what you think would be fun to see happen to the OTHER characters in the group.

Have an idea for Tuor, something you want revealed about Gaylin, twisted thoughts on the nature of Brother Lee, then let me know.

You can send these to me in email format for added privacy.


Remember now, I am asking for things about the characters of other players, not your own. Making offers to let all help in the development and direction of the game.

Look forward to your responses.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Odds n' Ends and Bits o' Twine

Within the Flanaess

Shopping Spree
The coinage handed out to each of the 6 that arrived together in Zeif is 783 gold. If there is anything you are wishing to spend this on, please make a short wish list of what you would like. Feel free to leave it in the comments area for me to peruse and say any ayes or nays as needed. There is a fair bit more value in gems that have yet to be cashed, but those funds are most likely going towards the don't want to die in the worst native desert ever seen or made by man.

Travel through the Eastern Lands
You are about to head south. The elf Gaelin has requested a foray past the woodlands that serve as his ancestral home, Bael has thought that a reasonable request and agreed to it. Also, there are late summer and fall festivals soon to come. Jousting, archery contests, circuses, and acting to be witnessed.

Name your pleasure,
name your desire,
all the treats you ask
under a crimson fire.

From GENre

What do you want to see?
Have a thought, suggestion, or bit of insperation you wish to share? If so, please let me know. Toss out thoughts so we can all see them and get more ideas for future adventure growth. Something amazing about your character you wish to share? Let us know. I am asking for any and all ideas from you folks.

Name That Actor Contest
Did you see him? Heirs of Destiny has added a seventh character to the cast, did you guess the name of the actor playing him? If not, well now's your chance. Who do you think this mystery fellow is. Declare who exactly is playing the magic part of brilliant wizard and you just might find yourself winning a prize. Only the casting director is excluded from this contest. I hope one of you manages to come up with the right guy. Did a good job of making him unrecognizable? You bet, but that should just add to the fun.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Eye's of the Hawk

First crafted by bandit mages to aid in ridding those who could challenge raiders in a fair fight, copies of these small crystal lenses have seen use throughout the central and eastern Flanaess for more than two hundred years. Seldom have more than a few sets been seen together, but there is a legend that one particularly successful bandit named Madrien of Karzt had a full dozen pairs given to his most highly prized archers. Stories say those twelve could slay any man in the space of a heartbeat. Legend also seem to hint that is how Madrien might have met his end.

Each pair of these lenses is carefully carved from purest crystal, shaped and polished so that they are just small enough to rest on a human eye. Each lens is marked by a small pale blue cross centered in a diamond in the middle of the lens. Their magic makes ranged attacks into melee safer. If the wearer lacks the feat Precise Shot it bestows it on her. If she already does, then the lenses simply provide a +2 circumstance bonus on all ranged attacks into a melee combat. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.

Moderate Abjuration: CL 7th; Craft Wonderous Item, True Strike (variant), Price: 7,000gp, Cost: 3,500gp+280xp.
House Rule Price: 3,500gp, Cost:1,750gp+140xp

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Time for Every Purpose

The rain had stopped. Small miracles thought the ragged elf called Gaelin. Taking up one of the few remaining cotton cloths the short elf swabbed away the accumulated sweat and grime from a day he longed to be over. Thunder roared in the distance, the hot quiet of the night would not last. Walking to the water basin to rinse his rags again, he stopped in front of the looking glass. His buckskin leggings were stained in blood, his tunic turned from a quiet forest green into a stinking mixture of brown and crimson from the wounds his friends suffered only hours ago. A sharply angled elven face showed the weariness he felt deep inside. It had been too many years since he had pushed himself to this point. Seeking a moment's quiet in the humidity, Gaelin's eyes began to sag shut, the trance was calling to him.

Twin screams of pain made the moment short-lived. The elf turned back to his two desperate patients. The man on the floor, a fellow named Avaro as Gaelin recalled, was suffering from more than a score of seperate blade bites. The dying man's bandages should most likely be changed again, though the wounds were so deep and grievous that his fate must rest solely on the whims of whatever curious gods might be observing them. Gaeilin chose to focus on the one patient that he might be able to give some comfort to.

Her light cotton gown clung to her body, soaked in sweat and fear. The pain of this delivery was worse than any she could have imagined, worse than any Gaelin had heard humans speak of. Mouthing syllables that could be heard but not remembered, Gaelin cast one of his few remaining spells. As the imprint faded from his memory the elf fell to a new depth of inner turmoil, the Tormentors outside were still blotting out all magic within the sanctuary. The young heiress would have to endure the torture being inflicted by the nether beasts a little while longer. What's taking so long? thought Gaelin. If those two fools don't succeed, then none in the cramped room might live to see the sunrise tomorrow.

While Gaelin cursed his feeling of impotence, Avaro let out a low moan followed by a violent shudder. He passed from the world of the living. Gaelin's sadness at the passing of the human turned to horror at what he next witnessed, a spectral form tore itself free from its corpse and sparing only a moment to glare at those who still lived, it flew into the sky set on joining with the rest of its kind. Another scream from his last living patient.

Her latest contraction sent spasms all through here, the mystically intensified pain to much for any sane person to endure. Gaelin petted her arm, and then mumbled more to himself than to her, "Be at ease Ari, its almost over." Tears were running down his cheeks. Fear? Sadness? He no longer knew which.

Time was up. They were coming. Now.

Outside the screams of the woman could no longer be heard. Tears of the elf no longer felt. Winds from the fresh storm ripped aobut the ruined sanctuary, transformed into a family crypt.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Fortubo's Spheres

In the golden age of the Suel empire the god Fortubo gave a special blessing to the land whose people had adored and venerated him for so long. With a great command hundreds of special spheres appeared, scattered throughout the empire. Each sphere was exactly one foot in diameter and appeared to be made from molten metal that is constantly rolling about and into itself, yet never breaking its perfect shape.

The spheres came in many colors, but all shared the same basic magical property. When a soul deemed worthy by Fortubo comes within three feet of the sphere and is wearing metallic armor the sphere will launch itself at the armor, slamming back the chosen benefactor. The liquid metal then seems to "seep" into the wearer's armor merging at first, then replacing the original component metal with the newer one. If the new metal offers a special quality or feature the old one lacked, such as reduced weight or greatly increased value, the armor acquires that feature.

The actual requirements for those the spheres "bless" is fairly straightforward. They must have led a proper life, staying true to their calling, not commited acts deemed evil, be wearing masterwork metal armor, and have a line of effect of five feet or less between the supplicant and the sphere. If these five simple measurements are fulfilled the sphere immediately bonds and replaces the metal that makes up the character's armor and makes a further fitting for the character. The magical fitting is so precise that the Dexterity Penalty is reduced by an additional -1 beyond what the masterwork armor normally recieves.

These spheres are known to exist as high quality steel, mindsteel, brasene, mithral, gold, platinum, and adamantine. Others may exist, but these are the only ones that any have ever seen. No mortal cleric or wizard has yet to be able to reproduce this all-but-gone divine artifacts.

Strong Transmutation. Caster Level 20.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

From He Who Was Formerly a Mad Mage

Question -- The Fourth

On what day were you pull free from the grip of your mother's womb? Oddly enough, none of them fall between the 10th of Coldeven and the 21st of Wealsun. If uncertain of calendars and such nonsense a strange ethereal scribe has provided the following knowledge for you: A Calendar for Greyhawk.

Question -- The Third

Should Alteriel ask her father for forgiveness or should she demand an apology from him? And on the same note, if Baelindor decided to avert his gaze from the heavens would Tuor still flirt with comely courtesans while Gaylen is espousing the virtues of self denial to a lass who could not safely leave if she chose to because there is also a monk picking fights with smallish dogs to prove greatest strength?

This specific question is an essay that must be answered with an indepth and complex answer
numbering no more than seven words but be certain to list it with the answers to the boring questions asked by the Fate Mistress.

Again, answer in the comments section of this post if possible and appropriate.

From the Colorless and Many Colored....

Question -- The First

If you could be given a gift, a moderate boon of some sort or consequence; what would it be?

Mystical armor?
Greater clarity of mind?
A healthier physique?
A special sword?
A legend to call your own?
The Talisman of Nine Colors?
A Crone's Wheel?
Some quiet keep or manorhouse?

Its a simple question really.

Question - The Second

What was your single favorite moment so far?


Please answer these in the comments section of this post if you would.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Courier Satchel

These lesser known items have found themselves useful to traders, diplomats, thieves, and mercenaries all across the Flanaess; but they are most popular in the exotic intrigues that surround the Baklunish courts of the west. A stout leather satchel, 20" x 12" x 6", with a broad flap that ties securely to its base and a long thick leather strap to sling it across your shoulder; this well made, if unassuming, item works a very special magic on its contents though. In its natural state it operates just like bag of holding. However, when a specific command word is spoken all magic within the satchel stops working. It becomes nothing more than a common bag radiating no magical aura. While it is "turned off" the extradimensional space that stores all items previously put into the bag cannot be accessed. Anything put inside during inside must be carried and held just like it would be in a normal sack.

Courier satchels work much like the smallest size bag of holding and can carry the same amount (250 lb. / 30 cu. ft.) but wheighs only 5 lb. If a courier satchel is placed in a bag of holding or portable hole the satchel is lost along with all items stored within the bag or hole and the remaining item loses all magical properties. If a bag of holding or portable hole is placed inside the courier satchel an explosive rift occurs. Whoever is within 10 feet of the satchel is drawn into the astral plane and all from 10 feet to 30 feet take 5d6 fire damage. When the satchel is "turned off" the items can be freely placed inside one another with no danger of mishap.

Moderate Conjuration: CL 9th; Craft Wonderous Item, Leomund's Secret Chest, Nystul's Undetectable Aura. Price: 7,000gp, Cost: 3,500gp + 280xp.
House Rule Cost: 3,500gp, Cost: 1,750gp + 140xp.